Philogene, Sheena
Assistant Professor, Science Librarian, Brooklyn College (CUNY)
Research Area:
As a spatial data scientist, I use GIS and other geospatial approaches to study cancer and other public health concerns, with the goal of understanding how the geographic characteristics of a population impact the health outcomes for the local communities. I am especially interested in understanding how environmental hazards contribute to chronic diseases. My current work centers around exploring the spatial distribution of cancer incidences in Brooklyn, using publicly available data.
Building on this work, I aim to improve community health education, local policy, and health outreach efforts. To this end, I have created the Brooklyn Health Map, an interactive Brooklyn-based health dashboard providing detailed information regarding community demographics, health behaviors, outcomes, and screening rates at the census tract, zip code, and neighborhood levels. Visit the map here: http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/bccc/bklyn_health/
In addition to my role as a researcher, I am the science librarian at Brooklyn College and liaison to the Brooklyn College Cancer Center offering research and grant support to Center PIs and collaborators. Outside of my work with healthcare, my research interests include pedagogical design, information literacy, emerging technologies, data visualization, and remote sensing.
Selected Publications:
Philogene, S. 2023. The Brooklyn health map: Reflections on a health data dashboard for Brooklyn, NY. Code4Lib Journal, (56).
Philogene S. 2022. Using geospatial analysis to evaluate relationships between cancer incidence and social factors in Brooklyn, NY. CUNY Academic Works.
Philogene, S. 2022. The Brooklyn health map: Reflections on a health dashboard visualizing connections between social factors and health outcomes in Brooklyn, NY. Journal of Map & Geography Libraries, 18(1-2), 22-40.
Time series analysis of Incidence and Geographic Distribution of Breast and Ovarian Cancer Incidence in Brooklyn NY
Gray Foundation and Brooklyn College Cancer Center (BCCC-CURE)
2023 – 2024
CUNY Technology Access Research Project
NYC Tech Talent Pipeline
2022 – 2023